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Walk of Faith

Every now and then a painting takes on a life of it’s own while I am working on it. This was surely the case with Walk of Faith. I originally envisioned creating a majestic garden scene with pathways and waterfalls – a scene to capture the imagination and intrigue the eye. However, as I painted this image, it began taking on such a heavenly appearance that I could actually imagine a stroll through Heaven’s gardens. I envisioned an image of Christ walking in the cool morning light of a garden and conferring with one of His disciples or any of His children…that thought captivated me and filled me with great hope and faith.

At a church service in my youth, I remember seeing a similar painting of Jesus in a church as I was growing up, and that image has always resonated with me. Years later I reflected on the powerful message of the painting, and I realized that this was my chance to create a composition reinterpreting this magnificent scene. Here we see Jesus strolling comfortably with Peter. In his hands, Peter holds the symbolic keys to God’s kingdom. I can only image what truths and insights they are sharing. How marvelous to have the chance to listen in on the kind and insightful words of the Savior as He patiently shares wisdom with those He loves.

I trust Walk of Faith will move you as it has me and allows you to feel the longing of being in the garden with your Savior.

  • In an ongoing and loving tribute to his wife Nanette, Thomas Kinkade has hidden eight N’s throughout the painting Walk of Faith.
  • Thom originally began this painting with the idea of a majestic garden scene complete with pathways and waterfalls, but this led to a more heavenly scene with Christ walking in the garden and conferring with one of His disciples.
  • When Thom was growing up, his church had a similar image of Jesus that always resonated with him. Now years later, he reflected on the powerful message of that painting and created his own composition – reinterpreting the powerful scene where Jesus and Peter are sharing truths and insights that we can only imagine.
Title Walk of Faith
Published March 2011

Image Sizes

12" x 18" / 18" x 27"
24" x 36" / 28" x 42"
40" x 60"

In Stock
18" x 27" EP Edition
18" x 27" AP Edition

For Prices and Availability

500 Cypress S-5
Pismo Beach, CA 93449

(805) 773-9424
(888) 773-9424

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