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Via Dolorosa

In the Middle Ages, the Via Dolorosa was identified as the route along which Christ carried His cross; I’ve set my easel at the very spot commemorating where Christ received His crown of thorns.

In addition to being a spiritual landmark for Christians, the Via Dolorosa is also a modern street in the Arab section of the old city. As I worked, small Arab children gathered around me and at one point playfully pelted me with pebbles. Happily, Arab shopkeepers immediately came to my rescue and chased off the pint-sized intruders. I later bought a decorative tile from one of my rescuers as a small gesture of thanks.

  • In early 2006, Thomas Kinkade visited the Holy Land where he spent much of his time painting in order to capture the emotion and the vibrancy of this ancient land
  • Thom is honored to be the commemorative artist for the spectacular touring exhibit: From Abraham to Jesus, September 2006 through December 2008.
  • Share these experiences through Thom’s magnificent collection of images called Impressions of Israel.


Title Via Dolorosa
Published September 2006
Subject Location Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, Israel
Collection Impressions of Israel Collection
Classification Impressionistic

Image Size

24" x 18"

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