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Valley of Peace

As many of you know, nature is one of my favorite collaborators. It was surely the inspiration for The Valley of Peace. On a recent family vacation in the Rockies, we all went for a sunrise horseback ride. As we rode along, we found ourselves following a peaceful, meandering stream. This stream led us to what had to be the most beautiful open valley and deep golden grove of aspen trees. And there, rising majestically at the valley end, was the most impressive mist-covered mountain we had ever witnessed. At that moment I knew that I had to put this idyllic place on canvas. In The Valley of Peace, I have added the perfect stone cottage and a family of deer as I invite you all to join me here in The Valley of Peace for another sunrise ride.

We begin this perfect day with the golden glory of aspen trees in the morning light. Graceful stands of aspen dot the mountainside, their luminous yellows defining a knd of patchwork quilt against the dark greens of the pine forest. The Valley of Peace marks the first time I’ve featured the delicate golden beauty of aspen trees in my mountainscapes. Most often, I find in these heroic landscape a rugged grandeur that is distinctively masculine. Here I revel in the play of subtle colors, the intricacies of light and shade, that give my gardens their cozy, romantic quality.

Nature has her garden spots; The Valley of Peace is one of them. The rustic cabin is cozy, inviting. The murmuring little stream runs to a sylvan pond, where rainbow trout lurk beneath the still surface. The road winds up the hillside to the lofty peaks beyond. Aspen trees capture the gold of sunlight for our delight. Here, truly, is a perfect retreat for the dreamer who lives in all our hearts.

  •  Thomas Kinkade has hidden four N’s in The Valley of Peace in traditional loving tribute to his wife Nanette.
  • The Valley of Peace is the second painting in Thom’s Beginning of a Perfect Day Collection. Inspired by a family horseback ride in the Rocky Mountain Range, this painting marks the first time that Thom has featured aspen trees and incorporated their vibrant colors in one of his mountain-scape scenes.
  • These real mountains are situated in the Rockies outside of Aspen, Colorado amongst a cabin of Thom’s imagination. The mountain in the back is Mount of the Holy Cross – the mountain really does form a naturally occurring cross on its northeast side.
  • Thom’s rugged, mist covered mountain, warm stone cottage and meandering stream make The Valley of Peace an image that will surely appeal to both men and women.
  • The incredible golden tones in the aspens mixed with the deep green pines and the red and purple in the foreground trees, make The Valley of Peace a truly beautiful addition to your collection. This painting begins with the best of Thom’s traditional palette, and the golds make The Valley of Peace sing with light!
  • This beautiful painting has a 24″ x 36″ image size. Rustic, tranquil and inviting, this majestic image will fill any room with a sense of peace.
Title The Valley of Peace
Published March 1997
Subject Location Rocky Mountain Range outside of Aspen, Colorado
Collection Beginning of a Perfect Day II

Image Size

24" x 36"

In Stock
24" x 36" SN Edition

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