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Symbols of Freedom

Some sixty years ago, when the citadel of American Freedom was under siege by foreign tyrannies, Norman Rockwell painted his famed glorious celebration of our Four Freedoms. Today, when our great land once again faces challenged in a complex and often violent world, I have painted my own salute to the Symbols of Freedom perhaps as a way of silently affirming our most cherished beliefs and celebrate the foundation of American values.

As I worked on my Symbols of Freedom, I came to see that the foundational values I extol in my art are the very same ones that touched the hearts of Rockwell’s generation. On the left horizon of the national mall stands the Department of Agriculture tower, symbolizing the Freedom from Want which offers the security on which all the other freedoms stand. The national Christmas tree expresses the pageantry of the holidays, its glowing lights affirming the hope that burns in every heart through our individual Freedom of Religion. The severe obelisk of the Washington Monument represents for me the founding of our democratic republic which provided Freedom from Fear by placing government on the side of the people. Finally, the cupola of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial symbolizes our founding father’s steadfast commitment to Freedom of Speech, which he expressed so powerfully in the articles of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other founding documents.

Illuminating these powerful symbols and touching the modest crowd is the glorious light of God’s golden sunset, a reminder that all people who share these four most fundamental freedoms are truly blessed by the Almighty.

  • Symbols of Freedom is the third in the series Season of Lights that depicts the National Christmas Tree painted by Thomas Kinkade. The year 2004 marks the 50th anniversary of the Christmas Pageant of Peace, as well as the 20th anniversary of Thomas Kinkade as a published artist.
  • Thom chose to paint Symbols of Freedom from the opposite perspective of Lights of Liberty, facing the south across the Ellipse in front of the White House.
  • Symbols of Freedom contains many emblems of American liberty, including the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial, as well as the peaceful adults and children gathered in the light of our Nation’s Christmas Tree, representing the love of family and of hope shining forth into the darkness.
Title Symbols of Freedom
Published November 2004
Subject Location Washington D.C.
Collection Season of Lights III

Image Sizes

16" x 12"
20" x 16"

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