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Sweetheart Cottage III

For me, one of the great pleasures of travel comes before the actual trip. It’s the anticipation – reading Baadekers, watching travelogs, daydreaming about the places I’ll visit, even sketching some of my most vivid imaginations.

That’s just what I’ve done in Sweetheart Cottage IIII, The View from Havencrest Cottage, my third and final painting in my Sweetheart Cottage Series. This painting anticipates a long-planned get-away to the Austrian Alps that Nanette and I have been planning for months. I’ve wandered the verdant, flowering Alpine valleys in my mind, even climbed the soaring, snow-capped peaks – very likely the only way I’ll do that. This delightful vista and romantic landscape expresses the best that I’ve “seen” on my imaginary ramblings.

Havencrest Cottage is poised on a hillside midway between the towering, sun-dappled mountains and the meadow festive with blue Lupine. Note the hearts in the Gothic windows. The rock on which Havencrest Cottage stands allows the inhabitants to view the vast sweep of God’s grandeur; while the rainbow symbolizes promises kept – my profound hope that the real trip that Nanette and I take will live up to my lovely expectations.

  • In an ongoing, loving tribute to his wife Nanette, Thomas Kinkade has hidden six N’s in Sweetheart Cottage III.
  • Sweetheart Cottage III, The View From Havencrest Cottage is the third and final painting in Thom’s series – the Sweetheart Cottage Collection.
  • This painting symbolizes the long-planned trip to the Austrian Alps where Thom tried to capture the flowering Alpine valleys alongside the soaring, snow-capped peaks.
  • Thom placed the cottage on the edge of a cliff to allow the inhabitants to view the vast sweep of God’s grandeur – the cottage is named Havencrest Cottage.
Title Sweetheart Cottage III, The View From Havencrest Cottage
Published January 1994
Subject Location Austrian Alps
Collection Sweetheart Cottage III

Image Size

18" x 24"

In Stock
18" x 24" GP Edition (Additionally Master Highlighted)

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