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Sunday Outing

Family traditions. They give us our uniqueness and character. And yet, because we’re not really so different after all, they also affirm our common humanity.

A favorite Kinkade tradition of ours is the Sunday drive. After church we’ll take off in the family car, find a lovely, lazy backroad and see what treats it has in store. Often, we’ll do our driving in California’s Apple Hill country, where the neat orchards and charming old farm houses provide a comfortable reminder that families have been enjoying Sunday drives along these lanes since the horse-and-buggy days.

Sunday Outing presents just such a family outing where every family member’s face registers anticipation and excitement! How proudly father drives his buggy from the carriage house; how festive wife and baby look; how excited brother and sister are. The morning itself is radiant with light warned by a lingering dew. Mornings like this have become an artistic tradition with me! At “Apple Hill” the past is not dry or distant. It lives again in our lives – and I find that thought very comforting.

  • In tribute to his loving wife Nanette, Thomas Kinkade has hidden four N’s in Sunday Outing.
  • This home in Sunday Outing is based upon a real home in Camino, California. A family friend – who is a doctor in Thom’s hometown of Placerville – owned this home.
  • Sunday Outing reminds Thom of his favorite Sunday family traditions: taking his family for a drive to California’s Apple Hill Country, which is near Placerville, California.
Title Sunday Outing
Published April 1993
Subject Location Camino, California
Collection Family Traditions I

Image Size

16" x 20"

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