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National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

Watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation will always bring a smile to everyone’s face. Viewers love the absurdity of the circumstances into which Clark Griswold put himself. Whether it is uprooting an over-large tree for it to serve in his family’s Christmas tradition or causing a citywide power outage because he turned on his 25,000 oddly-hung twinkle lights, Clark’s incompetent but sincere efforts to provide his family the perfect holiday season are always a joy to watch.

For the Kinkade family, Christmas was really a surreal cacophony of odd events – but through it all, they were happy. Their mother’s faith and warming smile always kept the real importance of the holiday understood and their father’s brand of mischief could rival that of any North Pole elf and always made his boys laugh to tears. Their beloved Placerville, with all of its notable and notorious characters, was home – a place where they were loved and where they learned to love with an open heart and giving beliefs. The film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation assuredly does not depict the perfect curated Christmas, but it does depict a family Christmas: a holiday of faith and fun and time spent with all of those who truly matter the most. From everyone at the Thomas Kinkade Studios, we thank you for sharing the light and with you a very merry Christmas.

  • National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is based on the film of the same name, released in 1989.
  • The film is based on a short story “Christmas ’59” written by John Hughes for National Lampoon in December 1980.
  • Christmas Vacation was the third movie in the Vacation franchise.
  • The film studio originally wanted to cut the scene where the cat gets electrocuted as they were worried about potential complaints of animal cruelty. But after test audiences listed it as the funniest scene in the movie, the filmmakers convinced them to keep it in.
Title National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Published December 2015
Classification Thomas Kinkade Studios

Image Sizes

18" x 24"
25½" x 34"

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