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Light of Peace

Storms must end. The great billowing thunderheads that blot out the sun for a time lose their fury and subside. God’s glorious light streams through gaps in the clouds in brilliant beams. That moment, when peace returns to land, sea, and sky is a wonderful affirmation.

When the storms batter the land and whip the sea to a frenzy, their power seems irresistible. But as light breaks through to illuminate the land and calm the sea, we realize that the power of God’s peace is truly beyond measure. That exalted moment is the inspiration for The Light of Peace, third in my Seaside Memories Collection. These Heavenly lights literally take my breath away; I hope this dramatic painting has that effect on you.

The Light of Peace is also a thrilling allegory of salvation. A lighthouse stands stalwart in the rough seas – it is the guide that men build for each other. But light streaming from Heaven is our true guide, for it is from God. One ship sails out of the storm bathed in holy light. We must seek out The Light of Peace as we pursue our own life’s voyage to safe harbor.

  • In loving tribute to his wife Nanette, Thomas Kinkade has hidden five N’s in The Light of Peace.
  • The Light of Peace is the third painting in Thom’s Seaside Memories Collection. In this very popular series – which began in early 1994 – Thom pays tribute to lighthouses and the homes that accompany them.
  • The Light of Peace is the only lighthouse painting in which a boat is guided by the light in the sky instead of the lighthouse.
  • The floral-lined stone path, white picket fence, and cozy home combined with the dramatic sea and magnificent sky truly make The Light of Peace a painting that will complement any décor.
  • The Light of Peace has an impressive image size of 24″ x 36″ to allow you to create the perfect centerpiece in your home. Plus with a limited edition size and only one size available, The Light of Peace is sure to sell out quickly!
  • Both previous releases in the Seaside Memories Collection – Beacon of Hope and A Light in the Storm – are already sold out at publisher.
  • The Light of Peace was named Lithograph of the Year in 1997.
Title The Light of Peace
Published September 1996
Collection Seaside Memories III

Image Size

24" x 36"

In Stock
24" x 36" SN Edition ( Sail Boat Sketch on verso side by Dirk Wunderlich, Thomas Kinkade Studios Legacy Artist)

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500 Cypress S-5
Pismo Beach, CA 93449

(805) 773-9424
(888) 773-9424

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