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Lakeside Hideaway

What constitutes “the good life?” That may seem a question for a philosopher, but I believe that artists can present their own answers. Indeed it may be that the good life is as apparent to the eye as it is to the mind or heart. To see it is to know it.

I certainly hope that those who follow my art will recognize elements of the good life as I have often tried to portray that concept when they see my work – especially in Lakeside Hideaway. This tranquil lake, nestled in the shadows of a towering mountain with a cozy cabin snugly lit for evening, is certainly my idea of life at it’s best – the perfect hideaway for heart and soul. To me, such a setting provides the seclusion and sublime peace that only nature can bestow. The humble log structure, with a small boat equipped for an evening’s fishing, introduces a comfortable human element.

Sunset over the majestic, snow-capped mountain underscores the grandeur of creation. To me, the scene is tremendously moving and inspirational. The good life must be charged through and through with God’s glory. This painting suggests in my heart a profound truth – I had the sense as I worked that the canvas painted itself. Perhaps our lives should be lived with just such selfless ease and grace.

  • Thomas Kinkade has hidden three N’s in Lakeside Hideaway as a tribute to his lovely wife Nanette.
  • The majestic peak featured in Lakeside Hideaway is based on Thom’s studies of the famous Mount Hood of Oregon.
  • As the evening winds down, the reddish glow of the setting sun suggests a beautiful day will follow. The peaceful solitude of this lone cabin brings to mind the simpler times that Thom means to convey through his art.
  • Lakeside Hideaway is the first pice in Thom’s exciting new collection of the same name.
Title Lakeside Hideaway
Published March 1999
Subject Location Mount Hood, Oregon
Collection Lakeside Hideaway I

Image Sizes

12" x 16"
16" x 20"
18" x 24"

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Pismo Beach, CA 93449

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