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Courageous Voyage
- As an ongoing tribute to his wife Nanette, Thomas Kinkade has hidden five N’s in Courageous Voyage.
- Much like Montague Dawson, Thom loved the ocean with all it’s history and imposing expanding horizon, that seem to draw men of courage and substance to it.
- William Shakespeare immortalized the significance of this great expanse when he eloquently connected the fortunes of men with the sea’s deliberate tides. He penned “there is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”
- Thom always believed that only through courage and faith in providence do we push ahead towards the promise of a better tomorrow. With the lone clipper ship in Courageous Voyage bravely facing the ocean’s wrath beneath a sky radiant with hope and light – what a perfect metaphor on canvas for life!
Title | Courageous Voyage |
Published | April 2011 |
Image Sizes
12" x 18"
18" x 27"
24" x 36"
28" x 42"
40" x 60"
18" x 27"
24" x 36"
28" x 42"
40" x 60"
For Prices and Availability
500 Cypress S-5
Pismo Beach, CA 93449
(805) 773-9424
(888) 773-9424