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Away From It All

I was raised with the majestic views of the mighty Sierra Nevada mountain range. As a boy, I would kick and camp surrounded by the clear evidence of God’s hand in creation. In Away From It All, I hope you feel the embrace of a loving God and most importantly to center yourself in that comforting retreat as I did.

The moon watches over the forest’s transition from day to night as the lone fisherman returns to his welcoming cabin after a long day on the river. With the soothing sounds of the waterfall and the crackling of the campfire, his faithful companion waits patently for his return. It is my hope an prayer that as you journey with me, you will find the calm and inner peace one can discover being Away From It All. God Bless!

  • The subject matter and location in Away From It All are influenced by Thomas Kinkade’s childhood wanderings in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
  • As a nighttime image, Thom’s signature emphasis on the light from within the cabin draws the viewer in and creates the desire to know more about the scene.
  • In the lower right there is a family of ducks settling in for the night. As the sky darkens, the stars get brighter and create a beautiful celestial canopy.
  • The fisherman’s faithful companion awaits his master’s return on the cabin porch and the evening fire is burning with an outdoor chair waiting for a night of reflection and conversation.
  • One of the last images Thomas Kinkade finished and title by the artist, Away From It All. Additionally the first release in a new series called the Away From It All Collection.
Title Away From It All
Painted 2012
Published August 2012
Collection Away From It All I

Image Sizes

20" x 16"
24" x 20"
30" x 24"
40" x 32"

In Stock
24" x 20" PP Edition

For Prices and Availability

500 Cypress S-5
Pismo Beach, CA 93449

(805) 773-9424
(888) 773-9424

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